“A man has a body, a mind and a spirit. There are times in a man’s life when his body will tell him it can’t continue on. There are times in a man’s life when his mind will tell him that the task set for him is too hard to accomplish. Those two don’t matter. It’s a man’s will and his spirit, and in those moments and in those times that will tell him’ You can do it,’ and it will make the mind and body follow along.” 

The above quote is from Dennis Byrd in an interview he gave before the Steelers — Jets game yesterday on ESPN. Those of you who have been following my journal have heard me speak about Dennis several times in the past and know how big of a fan of his I am. We both share a love of God and football, the same Romans scripture verse that hangs above our beds and of course a devastating spinal cord injury. But there is one more thing that we share and that is our recovery, I’m just not as far along yet, but believe I too will one day Rise and Walk. I have tried to contact Dennis in the past with no success. He is a very private man, but I am thankful that he decided to do this interview with ESPN. It was great to get another glimpse into his mind, body and spirit. 

Unfortunately, my pressure sore still does not want to cooperate with me. I have only been getting up for about two hours a day, spending the rest of the time trying to stay off it. Once again, I am learning the gift of patience. I do have an appointment at Metro on Wednesday with a specialist to see what else can be done. 

I’ve met some more SCI survivors over the past few weeks. It’s amazing to talk with everyone and hear their stories. It helps us realize, in some ways, how lucky we are. For example, I was talking to another individual who was injured in a diving accident similar to mine. Her injury is higher than mine and some would say more severe. She is unable to swallow and requires a feeding tube. However, she is able to move different parts of her body and activate most of her major muscle groups. She helps remind me how fortunate I am to be able to swallow and eat. I am sure I help remind her how fortunate she is to be able to move parts of her body. It truly is all relative. Most of us in this situation draw a lot of strength from the SCI community. Everyone’s situation is unique, but we all have something we can teach to others to offer them some help and hope. 

I continue to be inundated with much prayer and support. Thank you!   


Monday – 1/24/2011

0 thoughts on “Monday – 1/24/2011

  • January 29, 2011 at 3:01 pm

    Dear Scott,
    I am in perfect agreement with my son. Hope your Metro trip was successful and that the pressure sore is healing.
    All my love and prayers. Also just talked to Patty and Rick arrived home safely last night.

  • January 27, 2011 at 3:08 pm


    I just want you to know how much of an inspiration you’ve been to me, especially lately. I’m sure I’ve told you before that I appreciate your messages, but know I always think about you when I least expect it and it seems to be at least weekly! Recently, I lost all of the feeling in my toes. It was to the point where I had trouble walking, sleeping, functioning in general. More than anything- it was annoying!!! I spent an entire day in numerous doctor’s offices and received crazy, painful shots, pills, creams, and not to mention I spent a boat load of money that I don’t have. This entire day was followed up by a phone call that my car was smashed by the overhead garage door at the collission place that was fixing it in the first place from someone hitting my car on my bday–for the SECOND year in a row! ONE OF THOSE DAYS– YOU KNOW???!!!! As I sat on my couch last night sulking in the misery of my foot shots and endlessly jinxed vehicle (under doctor’s orders to not move off my increasingly large butt due to the lack of exercise from the feet!), I felt so helpless and HATED having to ask my boyfriend to do everything for me. And then I remembered your struggles and the struggles of several others I know in your situation, and felt really blessed that at least I’m lucky enough to have people who take care of me, and that I have feet that I will use again to their full capacity in a few weeks. And you are so blessed as well, Scott. Your messages are so inspiring and intelligent and you have so much life in you!!! As much as this is so tragic to happen to a person who is so attached to the physical, explorative side of life, it couldn’t have happened to a stronger person mentally. No one wants to be pitied, and I do not pity you… I just yearn for your opportunity to have physically, what is attempting to burst out on the inside. I may never understand what you go through physically and emotionally, but know that I always pray for your well being in both of these aspects. I urge you to always write, and always connect with those people around you in similar situations, or who just have every day, petty drama, for those people benefit most from you. You impact so much, and your strength to not just sit there and let life smack you around, but to fight back, helps so many people. Heck- you would probably make an excellent motivational speaker, or author of one of those self-help books. (You should write your story, by the way. Even if you don’t publish it, you should write it.) Thank you for who you are and what you do. Limited abilities or not, you are a drive, personality, force, and intelliect to be sought after. And I am glad you have so many people in your life who cherish that. Keep strong, and keep pushing forward, my friend!

    God Bless,
    Nickey Revard

  • January 25, 2011 at 3:45 pm

    Love the perspective Deenis Byrd provides. It is simple, to the point, and completely refective of how I have always summed you up. This team of loved ones completely believes your MIND & SPIRIT will deliver on what you want. Keep it up brother. We love you.

    PS: This love is coming from 7,000 miles away….Japan.

    Love you brother,

  • January 25, 2011 at 8:55 am

    A quote from Earth Medicine, an Ancestors Way of Harmony

    “If you notice what makes you unhappy, you may find that each unhappy moment also gives you an opportunity to create a new path that leads out of stagnation and into adventure.”

    P.S. Scott, while you are laying in bed, it is a good opportunity to use the stillpoint “tool”. I forgot to mention this when I was there yesterday. See you soon.

  • January 24, 2011 at 6:08 pm

    You have a strong and determined mind and spirit. You have a God that is even more determined.
    Don’t forget in weakness he is made strong and your witness, your characer and your influenece magnifies God and his grace.

    Have you heard the C. S. Lewis quote-
    “You don’t have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body.”

    Soul being key – body kind of an after-thought it seems 🙂

    As always – our prayers are with you – Kristy, your mom and dad.

  • January 24, 2011 at 4:54 pm

    Beam me up, Scottie!! I see the background color of your webpage is lavender. Remember, No Pressures, No Pressures. 🙂 🙂 🙂

  • January 24, 2011 at 3:53 pm

    Everything is so relative. It is impressive that you can step back and see a bigger picture.

    I continue to visit my Dad daily, when I am in town and will see you again when he requires less time.

    My thoughts are with you, sending you healing for your body, mind and spirit, but right now, mostly your skin.



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