“Shadows of a thousand years rise again unseen, voices whisper in the trees, `Tonight is Halloween’”

Happy Halloween!

It’s been an uneventful past few days, well at least not the kind of events I like.  I have gotten out of bed for a few days.  I think the pressure has been relieved by actually being in my chair and doing deep weight shifts. The nurses didn’t think this would be the case, and I had to plead with them to let me out of bed so I could prove it to them. I am fortunate it worked.

I am slowly coming to grips with the cold weather.  It has not been fun. My body does not regulate its temperature the same way it did before my accident, and, as a result I don’t handle the cold well.  It’s been a week full of aches, spasms, and muscle soreness.  In fact, I was headed to Metro on Friday and had to turn around and head back to Rae Ann because my neck and head were hurting so bad.  I hate when these headaches surface, because the only real relief is to lie down and apply heat to them.  I’ve spent most of the weekend in bed trying to resolve a knot in my neck that seems to be acting more stubborn than me.  However, I have been watching football, the World Series and a ton of movies about Mt. Everest.  I used to carry a bucket list in my wallet, and climbing Mt. Everest was #1 on the list.  I have always been obsessed and fascinated with the mountain and those who climb it.  Who knows, maybe one day they will find a way to get a quadriplegic to the top!

There has been a strong response of orders for the awareness bracelets.  Thank you to all of you who have ordered one.  For those who haven’t, what are you waiting for?  Just kidding!  We have a large supply so they’ll be here whenever you are ready.  Remember, some of the proceeds will go to finding a cure for paralysis – so your generosity will help many others as well.

It’s hard to imagine tomorrow will be November.  Wednesday will be the 16 – month mark since my accident.  Time has gone fast yet so slow.  A weird contradiction that’s been full of many highs and lows.  Generally speaking, I seem to have much more highs than lows these days, but when I get sore and have days like the past few days, I tend to get down on myself and forget how far I have come and how hard I have worked.  I suppose it is human nature.  And I’m sure some of it is the stubbornness I have always had.

There are a lot of you out there who have shown me so much support and generosity.  I am sorry I have not been able to reach out to all of you individually.  I cherish every comment, every suggestion of something I should read or look up and every story you share with me.  I read everything and wish I could respond to everything.  Please know how much I appreciate your support and concern.

I wish everyone a great week and start to a new month!


Sunday – 10/31/2010

0 thoughts on “Sunday – 10/31/2010

  • November 4, 2010 at 5:11 pm

    I heard there is a McDonald’s at the top of Mt Everest!

    I ordered some bracelets and will probably be ordering more when I show them off to people.

  • November 3, 2010 at 2:09 pm


    I’m a friend of Colleen Hagan’s (Virginia) who’s a friend of your wife’s. Colleen shared your story with us a few days after it happened last July and I check in on you frequently. My husband would argue that I’m obsessed and there’s probably some truth to that. Checking in on where you are in your new journey sheds perspective on the everyday mundane things happening where we live here in Baldwin, Maryland. Having a bucket list, wanting to climb Mt. Everest, being “regulars” at the Kentucky Derby, dressing up for Halloween and dreaming big dreams—all the while being madly in love with your new wife—is pretty heady stuff. It’s pretty evident you’re not a run-of-the-mill kind of guy. The class and grace and fortitude with which you handle each of your days continues to inspire. You’re probably sick of everyone telling you how inspirational you are. You had to have been this way before the accident, as well. I hope those around you celebrated this trait of yours then as they do now.

    The Graham family is always thinking of you despite never having met you. We pull for you and for your family every single day. Be gentle with yourself.

    Kristen, Michael & Griffin Graham

  • November 2, 2010 at 4:32 pm

    Hi Scott,
    Glad to hear from you and to know that you have been able to spend time in your chair. I can imagine that the cold would be hard on you but knowing you, you will keep up your good routine. Got my bracelet and love it. I’m so glad that the sales are good and that it certainly goes to a good cause.
    Always in my thoughts and prayers.

  • November 1, 2010 at 11:42 pm

    Hey Scott…I think you arrived at the summit of Mt Everest a while ago…God bless you–I am praying for a good week, full of getting up and doing activities. Maybe a hat and scarf might help to keep your neck warm and free of spasms…I hope they get better…


  • November 1, 2010 at 9:41 am

    You are climbing your own Mt. Everest and you will make it to the top one day! Keep up the good work! God bless you and your family.

  • October 31, 2010 at 8:35 pm

    Scott, you will climb that mountain. I have no doubt. I want you to know, we are ordering the bracelets for our kids (me and Uncle Lou too) for Christmas stocking stuffers. I can’t think of a more wonderful gift to give to our kids and grandkids. We think of you everyday. Sending Hugs and Kisses your way.


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