“Act as if what you do makes a difference.  It does.”

What an appropriate quote by former psychologist/psychiatrist/physician, William James, to kick off the month of September! By the end of having read this journal entry you’ll understand why.

Many of the highlights of my career at Calphalon/Newell Rubbermaid centered around the annual Leadership Conferences I attended with all my fellow managers. Kristie, president at the time, would work with the Executive Team, to create a powerful off-site event that served a dual purpose as a strategic planning session, as well as a team-building and camaraderie junket. The event usually culminated with some type of impactful take away lesson. I vividly remember one such conference that was hosted in Virginia, in which inspiring entrepreneur, Seth Godin, was brought in to speak to the team.

What made this presentation particularly memorable, was not the fact that before he spoke, Seth had inadvertently left his microphone on while seeking one last trip to the restroom, but the content that comprise his message. Since that conference, I often take a moment to read updates I may come across that feature Seth and his messages. I want to build off of one of his recent posts entitled, You Matter, and couple that with another blog posted on Tiny Buddha.

“When you show up for the people in your life, even though you’re having a hard day, you make a difference. When you share what you’re dealing with, even though it makes you feel vulnerable, and help other people through your honesty, you make a difference. When you practice what you preach, you make a difference.

“When you honor your needs to create a sense of inner calm and well-being that permeates your interactions with others, you make a difference. When you cut yourself some slack so you can use your energy to love, create and inspire love, you make a difference. When you give people the benefit of the doubt, you make a difference.

“When you listen fully, instead of waiting to talk, you make a difference. When you focus more on being kind than being right, you make a difference. When you find beauty in the world around you and help other people see it, you make a difference. When you realize that your everyday actions are your greatest legacy, you make a difference.”

I will be the first person to admit that I often have a challenge when it comes to living out the messages I sometimes post. However, it’s not the failure of practicing a lesson that defines us, rather, it’s the sin of failing to get back up and try again that will forever haunt us.

So in the spirit of striving to make a difference, I have a challenge for anyone reading this. The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis recently reported some exciting news regarding SCI’s.

“Recognizing the devastating effects of sustaining a spinal cord injury, the United States Senate has declared September as National Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month.  This Resolution, sponsored by Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Bill Nelson (D-FL), sends a strong message across the country that new therapies and resources need to be advanced to find a cure for paralysis.  

 “In addition, the resolution honors the individuals and family members who have sustained a spinal cord injury and the dedication of local, regional, and national organizations, as well as researchers, doctors and volunteers across the country who are working to improve the lives of individuals living with paralysis every day.  

’Over the years, improved research and public awareness efforts have helped us come a long way in treating and preventing spinal cord injuries. The inspiring work of The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis has touched the lives of millions of young athletes, accident victims and troops in harm’s way, and I commend them for it.  By designating September as National Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month, I hope we can further educate the public about how crippling accidents can be prevented while promoting the important work being done to help victims walk again,’ said Senator Rubio.”
Seeing the action being taken by our elected officials is very exciting and rewarding for all of us living with paralysis. It is my hope that other lawmakers will take notice of the Florida Senators’ actions and also choose to get involved. This is a great example of our constituents making a difference.
Now comes the opportunity for all of you to also make a difference. Please help spread the message that September Is National Spinal Cord Injury Awareness month and make a donation to honor that special person in your life who is paralyzed, a caregiver, or the dedicated organizations working to improve the lives of those injured.

My continued thanks to everyone for your prayers and support! Remember, “Act as if what you do makes a difference.  It does.” Stand strong!


Monday – 8/29/2011

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