“I will restore you to health and heal your wounds.” Jeremiah 30:17

Well I’m all set for my surgery this Tuesday. The hospital will call me on Monday to let me know what time my operation is scheduled for. I know I am not the first surgery of the day, so there’s no need to get up at the crack of dawn, however, I am sure I will still need to leave early in the morning. I don’t know how long the procedure will take, and hopefully it will not be terribly long. I expect that I will be in some discomfort for several days following the procedure, as there will be a significant amount of muscle and tissue trauma. Hopefully, my body will recover in a swift and uneventful way. I would like to be able to enjoy Thanksgiving, and I’m certainly thankful for the great and beautiful things I still have in my life. I have a lot for which I am thankful.

I’ve kept my activity to a minimum these past few days in order to give my body some rest in preparation for the days that lay ahead. Quite a few visitors stopped by on Sunday, including, Katie and her children, who brought me Communion. The Voegeles, Will, Kate and Courtney also stopped by to hang out and watch some of the Browns game, which ended with a Cleveland victory!

I don’t know what to expect once the surgery is behind me, but know what I am hoping for the result to be. First, I remain confident that the broken portion of the rods will be removed and no additional metal or bone fusions will need to be implanted – I’ve been told there shouldn’t be any additional hardware required, but won’t know for sure until the surgeon has had the chance to examine everything. Second, I am keeping optimistic that there’ll be no surprises or complications as a result of my choosing to undergo this procedure. Finally, it would be nice to end up with a little bit more mobility in my neck when all is said and done. Above all, though, I have put my trust in God and His will. I wanted to share the image below that I received in an e-mail earlier this week, as I found it to be very comforting and reassuring.

Thank you to everyone for the many e-mails and phone calls of prayer and support. I am aware that a lot of people are praying for me, not just this Tuesday, but every day, and for that I am so very blessed.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Sunday – 11/20/2011

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